Dragon Ball News Event Galaxy Sakura Tree Festival
Hello Saiyan, Here comes the new media payment that you have been waiting for! We provide you many media payments that you can use to top up. Here is some information that you need to know before you proceed on. You must have Playwebgame ID to access the Playwebgame Payment. If you want to know more about "how to make Playwebgame ID", you can read the the guide HERE. Check this out!! Offgamer MOL XSOLA Gudang Voucher CashU Cherry Credits OneCard Payment Wall Multi Game Card OffGamers Official Website: www.offgamers.com First Step: Go to https://payment.playwebgame.com and log in. Second Step: Click Charge. Third Step: Choose the game, server, and "Offgamers" as the provider. Fo urth Step: You need to register new account for Offgamers using your facebook account . Fifth Step: If register is success, log in to use your wallet. Sixth Step: Then go back to the TopUp Site ...